myQAbee e-comm revenue assurance platform provides detailed information about revenue leakage. Where the leaks appear in funnel and why. And it alerts responsible person.
Secure e-comm revenue
Raise conversions & profits
Deliver Flawless C/X
Enable faster upgrades
One platform to manage all your e-comm revenue leakage
Assure revenues by getting visibility into your entire e-comm e-comm system. Understand where do errors and bugs appear and instantly address the right person to fix them.
3 easy step Wizard
✔ Multi-devices
✔ Cross-browser
✔ Sales tools
✔ ERP, backend
Cross stakeholder approach
Use the power of single platform to unite different stakeholders and align their accountabilities. Sure, to raise your e-comm income and profitability.
✔ Clear visibility, intelligence and
✔ Insights in revenue leakage
✔ Accountability and performance
✔ More profit
✔ E-comm End-2-End
✔ System stability
✔ Faster development
✔ Lower maintenance costs
✔ Testing automation
✔ Better test coverage
✔ Lower testing costs
✔ Flawless customer experience
✔ Higher conversion rate
✔ Faster implementation of campaigns
✔ Cross silos development performance
✔ Digitalization and auto boost
✔ Enabling agile development
Facing the reality
Leaking profits in development, launch, maintenance, and upgrade phases of e-comm are often overseen due to lack of accountability, transparency and holistic control.
We let the customers complain, than we take look into errors and bugs
We run some tests, but nobody knows about whole e-comm stability
Manual testing is done by some employees, regardless the frustrations we cause to them
We only test prior to launch of updates and upgrades, no one is responsible for late bug fixing costs
We are happy with high costs of testing farm, although testers come from low income countries
We use test automation, but it is in hands of IT only
Manual data entry is being replaced by automation solution to diminish errors and revenue losses.
The rise of SaaS automation tools and theirs implementation has made a living hell for flawless C/X providers.
Responsibilities to assure revenue and flawless customer experience are commonly divided into silos such as IT, marketing, sales, QA, content, and more.
The pressure on speed of providing upgrades, new features, sales push campaigns has never been greater.